Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Odd Couple

Watch out B...his ears are ready to attack! Although the highlight of this pic is the fact B got his picture taken with Ears...I mean, Farmar. There are other notables.

1. B rockin' a Bulls jersey while hanging out with the Lakers and their coaching staff!

2. The Hammer standing off in the background! (And we all know ladies love the Hammer too!)

3. The comment Farmar made to B just before the picture regarding him sportin' a Derrick Rose jersey!

4. B checkin' out the old biddies during a time-out performance!

5. Lebron hurdling The Hammer during the game as he was going for a loose ball!

6. And the mother of them all...B passing up an opportunity to sit directly behind the bench and instead sat by himself, 20 rows deep in the stands! Ha!


  1. I thought that was David Blaine!

    Way to go, B! I once had my photo taken with Harold Baines. No one could hit .280 and drive in 60 like Harold!

  2. god, b looks a grown up version of Beavis!!

  3. Why the Hell did you sit by yourself?

  4. I wasn't sitting by myself, and did not pass up a chance to sit behind the Lakers bench. I was sitting with Nicole's brother and his girlfriend. Nicole was sitting with her aunt (the Hammer's wife) and her aunt's friend from L.A. behind the Lakers bench. Where do you come up with this stuff D? Ha Ha!

  5. Wow, D, get your story straight. This is like reading Peter King or Bill Simmons: just making shit up as you go.

  6. Ha! I really thought he sat by himself! Totally forgot about her brother being with him. He did pass up the chance though. Nicole had a ticket for him that he turned down and then later decided to go. Which is why he wasn't sitting behind the bench too! Didn't mean to pull a Peter King or Bill Simmons on everyone!

  7. I don't no how to post a commet with out respoding to the previous ? Damn Blog Well, my thought of the nite, I was planning on a date with BUD n JACK, turns out Jack never showed up. fuck him, I'm glad Bud bought 20 friends and 18 of them went home...although 1 of Buds' friends drooled on me and is playing Goerge Clinton on my stereo...!

  8. Ha ha ha! Sounds like a great night Party! I don't know what's better...the night you had or the night B had, rockin' a red tux at a Valentines Day party!!!
