Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Facebook Files

As I was looking through Facebook pictures to come up with ideas for the "Celeb Look-A-Like" post, I found myself cracking up at what we have in our photo albums! For that reason, I bring you "Facebook Files". Occasionally, I will share pictures I find amusing via our photo albums that hopefully will provide a laugh or two for those of you who check this page! My inaugural photo comes from that of our good buddy Haus! This picture made me laugh out loud in my office! Just look at that pic for a moment and think about what caption you would add to it! When I saw it, I immediately thought of her saying "Please, don't eat me!!!" Seriously, the poor girl's body language just screams "Help!" Plus look at Haus' expression! Ha ha ha!


  1. You have way too much time on your hands if you found that picture of me.

    Thanks for putting my now famous homework line as the subtitle of this blog.

  2. This is a classic photo, too bad you can't see the sauce stains on Haus' tie after dipping his tie in his plate at dinner, ha ha!

  3. I think Haus might have just crop dusted her with a belch!!! Poor thing didn't even see it coming!

    Everyone ready for the superbowl??? The SuperBowl of RACING! oh yeah

  4. Girl: "Check out my tri's, I have been doing alot of close grip bench press.."
    Haus: "yum"

  5. Yo Dave, looks like you've been getting a taste of good 'ol Illinois weather lately!? Hope you get another foot!!! Much Love!
