Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jump Whale, Jump....Good Boy!

Really?! People are made at this whale for doing what he's on this planet to do...kill! For God sake, it's a "Killer Whale". Seriously, this is as asinine as the story I heard the other day where a 4 year old, pre-schooler, was reamed because his mother packed him a plastic knife in his lunch. No knives for eating, yet "sporks", which are sharper and could do a hell of a lot more damage are allowed for kiddies to chow down their fruits, veggies and puddin'. It doesn't make sense. We take away the plastic knives, the terrorists have won. Anyways, I've gotten off track....back to Shamu up there. We've all seen those videos where the whale goes to the bottom of the tank, shoots up and sends the moron flying! Could you imagine seeing this sight?! I sure don't know how this person was eaten by this whale, nor do I give a shit, but it sure would've been a thrilling way to go if this was the case. Like my boy Frank Dreben says in Naked Gun. "Gettin' caught in the gears of a combine...that's the way I wanna go!" Moral of this post, don't piss in the Cheerios of a Killer Whale.

1 comment:

  1. As many whales as I chased in college, it's amazing this fate didn't befall me. My friends called me Ahab.
